It is OK to Hide Your Light and it is OK to Shine

Do what others won’t, say what others won’t, reveal the magic that’s inside of you that others hide away and shine bright!!!

These were the encouraging words my good friend wrote to me today.

When I read them it brought me to tears. It is strange how words can have an effect on you like that huh? It reminded me how much of my life I’ve spent in hiding, and still want to sometimes. It is what happens when you experience violent trauma at an early age, or at any age for that matter. I decided to bury myself deep inside. It was too dangerous to shine. I got very busy working out what people wanted from me and presenting that to them in order to stay safe and maybe get some affection.

I wanted to shine. I remember how good it felt. I found ways to shine inside some of the characters I played. I was very good at playing them, so good I even believed them myself and completely lost touch with my natural free shining. Like being the best little Catholic girl, sacrificing myself for others because that is what I understood good Catholics should do. It hurt when they didn’t do the same. I learned about the importance of turning the other cheek … which led to having my head beaten to a pulp on the concrete pavement on my way to church one Sunday.

The trouble with basing your behavior on what you think people want is that you don’t set any boundaries for yourself. This led to violent rape at the age of 14 and to marrying a man who attempted to murder me … on several occasions until I gathered the courage one day to run away.

The Pain of Being Invisible

It just confirmed to me how dangerous a place the world is and so I spent all of my energy keeping my magnificence hidden away. This had two results. One is that because I was using up so much energy to survive there was hardly any left to thrive. It took its toll on my body, pain, chronic fatigue, cancer. At the same time I felt alone, unsupported unfulfilled and empty. I was so out of touch with myself I thought I could analyse it all away.

When that didn’t work and my body had reached the height of its exhaustion and pain I finally took the decision to look inside to see what I could find.

A Glimmer of Hope Opens the Way

I was looking for a glimmer of hope. It was the first faint remembering of my inner light.

It is amazing how a small opening like that can lead to such a vast infinite immersion into the ocean of magnificence I experienced and remembered myself to be. Everything changed after that. I was reconnected with my true shining. All of the trauma and pain that I had experienced before faded into the vastness of Being. I was grateful for the contrast that had led me to appreciate the light of joy in me that had unleashed in such a miraculous and brilliant way, never to be covered again.

Yes, sometimes there is an impulse in me to hide in certain situations. That reptilian brain just wants to protect me and is supporting me the best way it knows how. My magnificent self says, “Thank you reptilian brain, I can handle it from here!”

By Joy Idries

Expert facilitator of deep and transformational life changes

(There is MORE TO LIFE than struggle fear and pain)

What if it were possible to discover true consistent freedom happiness and joy by connecting with your true nature in a way that, frankly, blows your mind? Joy’s spiritual therapeutic work is life-changing. It completely dissolves inner turmoil and opens her clients to the real possibility of living a truly happy, fulfilled life.

As recounted in her book “Joy Unleashed” Joy shares her own journey of healing a lifetime of trauma chronic illness and pain in ONE WEEKEND! It unleashed so much joy and freedom it fired a passion in her to show how everyone else can do the same. Now as an Inner Journey practitioner, intuitive, spiritual teacher and guide for many years it has been her sheer delight to show people how they can easily and rapidly heal and unleash their true joy and well-being, often where conventional methods seem to fail.

Apply for a free consultation here:

The Oceans Are Polluted And So Are We

Over the past few years our oceans have been increasingly polluted by oil spills, toxic waste, floating plastic and litter. In fact around 6.5 million tons of litter pours into our oceans every year.

About 100k marine mammals and turtles and over a million seabirds are killed by plastic litter every year. Three hundred thousand dolphins and porpoises die each year from becoming entangled in discarded fishing nets and other rubbish.

The ocean, indeed our world, cannot continue to thrive as a dump site.

But for me what is even more serious perhaps is the dump site we have made of ourselves.

Not just through the unhealthy food and lifestyle choices that we can often make, but also the negative thoughts, emotions, judgements, criticisms and behaviours we dump on ourselves and each other every single day.

This represents a serious pollution issue and one that is threatening our health and well-being and ultimately the health and vibrancy of the whole planet.

We as a human race have managed to degrade our beautiful selves to the point that many of us are neglecting ourselves as individuals and as a community and ultimately our environment. 

So look now as we expand this out to the macro level. 

When we throw an empty can away with an ‘I don’t care’ attitude we are also throwing it with an attitude and energy of rejection and neglect. Imagine now that the oceans are registering in their very molecules this energy of neglect. Quantum physics postulates that everything is energy, even our thoughts, and that everything is registered in one universal energy field. 

So when the water cycle (the very foundation of life) moves into clouds and rain and then charged water enters our rivers and lakes and eventually filters down to our kitchen taps and bottles…. are we drinking the energy of neglect?

It is a continuous cycle that feeds and repeats.

So I say that clearing up the polluted oceans, the external expression of our inner states, is not all of what it is about, as important as that is. 

What is for me even more fundamental is to start taking responsibility for clearing up the pollution in our own selves. We need to start making changes from the inside out if we are to save our planet and ourselves and to guarantee our mutual and universal well-being.

Let us start working to restore our natural beauty and caring at all levels to bring about a real abundant and rich legacy for our future generations inside and outside too

If you would like to receive further support on the path of healing your pain and unleashing your joy please feel free to contact me or schedule a free 20 min call to discuss what options are available

Lets Talk Transformation

Our Facebook community ‘Truly Transformational’ is also full of resources for handling stress, anxiety, the inner critic, connecting to unconditional loving awareness and moving towards peace, vibrant health and well-being.

Join our community now! 

“Since I joined the group, I have learned how to slow my thoughts through simple breathing techniques, and then connect my breathing to my heart. I’ve learned how to quieten my mind enough to hear and listen to my heart. I’ve learned that I am enough, and I have always been enough, I am loved, and I have always been loved and am love. I have always been… I had just forgotten.

Now I am learning to remember.

The best thing of all that I have learned, is that I always have a choice. I can choose whatever I like. I am learning to become an observer of my thoughts and reactions, which is enabling me to realize that there are other options, other thoughts to think… which create other feelings… I can choose to feel happy whenever I wish, no matter what I might have previously automatically thought. I love this feeling – it feels like being free… to be me… to be happy and loved… and to love x Joy, much love and gratitude to you… Today, I am remembering, and my wish is that I remember this every single day of my life xxx”

Liz Fleming